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Play as Cheropie, Noan and Raine in a surreal virtual world!

You can switch between the three at will; each character coming with their own unique abilities that make them useful for different situations.




This is Cheropie!

He's a thrill seeking lunatic who loves to challenge himself to see what he's capable of.

In-game, he has a sword for attacking enemies and destroying objects.

He can use this sword to do a spin attack.

Cheropie also has a grapling hook that allows him to pull himself towards unreachable places.


This is Noan!

He is very analytical, but has a kind hearted nature and is fiercely loyal to his loved ones.

In-game, his blaster can be used to target and destroy multiple objects at once.

You earn money for the objects destroyed by Noan's blaster.

The more objects you target at once, the more money you get rewarded with, incentivising combos.

Noan also has the ability to dive underwater, swimming below the surface for as long as he is able to breathe.

He can refill his breathe meter by collecting bubbles.



This is Raine!

He is thoughtful and observant.

He is good at soothing peoples nerves and is very good at taking charge in a crisis.

In-game, he uses his wing suit to glide through the air.

He can launch himself into the air to gain speed, and can even launch himself at enemies or objects to destroy them!

He can also perform a spin attack with his wing suit.


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